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  • Writer's pictureShannon

Making happy plans

Without a planner, I'm lost. Literally. I flake out on things that ARE written down so if I didn't have a planner, it would be most chaotic. Back in the working days of hosting company lunches, etc. I had an electronic appointment calendar and when that thing ran out of battery...panic! I'd totally blank on my schedule. I switched to a hand-written calendar and never looked back.

2021 planners are H-A-R-D to find. I guess we are all excited at the prospect of a new/non-pandemic year?!

Thankfully I snagged this one at a Hobby Lobby that I don't typically patron. Lucked out! The company is called the Happy Planner and this one is their "Big" planner. This stuff is adorable! For many years, I used the Erin Condren planners (she offers lovely customization!) but needed something larger. This massive Happy Planner accommodates my left-handed chicken scratch...and stickers. Lots of stickers. Stickers are fun and it motivates me to keep up with calendaring. It's also well-priced!

Doctor Appointments...Activities...Bible Study/Church Events...Photo Sessions...Pet Med Reminders (no fleas, please!) It's all written down!

This Faith one has a scripture reading plan in the weekly view which is super hard core. I'd love to say I'll do that, I'm not that ambitious...yet?! Love the "Blessings" and "Grateful" sections. Those are my speed!

It's weird getting back into a more scheduled way of life. March through July was mostly blank!

I'm keeping the Faith that I won't flake out on stuff-even if it's been written down and fully stickered!!

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