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  • Writer's pictureShannon

Love to Play

January is a gorgeous month in Arizona. It is sort of like our “Fall”. Leaves are falling and trees are getting ready for a new Spring coat. The days are 70 and the evenings are cool. We enjoy the fireplace at night and early morning but by lunch the screen door is open.

Perfect weather to be outside! The boys LOVE riding their bikes so our front stoop and street is now our “park”. Ethan took to his bike so quickly and now thinks he is Lance Armstrong. He thinks he owns the sidewalks and roads. Most of his stops look like stuntman turn-skids. He’ll need new bike tires soon. Half the time his shoes are the brakes. His entire lower half is covered in scraped and bruises-yep, he’s a healthy boy!

Our street has several young boys and especially on weekends, they make a bike gang up and down the street. It usually ends with everyone getting a toy gun to find bad guys. One boy across the street is super sweet. Even though he’s 8, he enjoys hanging out with Ethan and Tyler. And they LOVE him. Ethan always asks if “Konnor is back from school yet”. Ethan has really matured in the way he wants to make friends and play. So cute.

I packed a picnic lunch today and after getting Ethan, we all headed to the zoo. Thanks to Nana and Papa we have another year membership at our local zoo. It’s the neatest zoo experience and we love it! We went through the fish houses, had lunch, and stumbled upon swan parents with their 4 babies-they roam freely throughout the zoo. I was thrilled! I soooo wanted to snuggle a baby-that downy fur! Our last stop was the petting zoo-it was my first time. John took the boys in Dec. and they loved it. The goats, emu, and deer were super sweet. I could have spent hours there! The boys love going from animal to animal and think it’s hilarious when one of the critters starts to bite at their shirt. 

This afternoon I would have loved a nap but boys will be boys. We headed out to the street for some bike-riding. John’s Dad was kind enough to leave his GoPro camera for us to use for when we take Tyler’s training wheels off. That’ll make for great footage! I decided to take a stab at capturing some amateur footage this afternoon. For my birthday, I got a new beach bruiser and a basket. Why not put Charlie in it? Long story short, he loved it. Better story…click video below and choose “HD” or “1080” in the settings option for high-def. Enjoy!

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