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  • Writer's pictureShannon

Lots of Fall Fun

Long story, short: Great America. Europe. Michigan. Halloween.

We had a blast at Great America’s Fright Fest. Susie was so sweet to watch Lily so she wouldn’t suffer through the trauma of ghouls and spooks. Ethan was just short of riding the bigger coasters-half an inch to be exact. We were loading onto the Batman ride when the attendant asked to measure him-busted! Next year for sure. Tyler mustered some courage for the kiddie coaster. He and Papa enjoyed playing the arcade games. Ethan scored about 2,000 tickets at one game! The night ended with a yummy funnel cake. It was a great time, as always.

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For the first Presidential debate, we hosted a viewing party with the “Trump-o-Tron” TV in the backyard and the fire pit going. All in good fun!

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In early October, John and I headed to the Rhine River for his company reward trip. He is such a hard working husband and father so to see his efforts get rewarded is priceless. The Rhine River Cruise on the Viking ship Alruna was amazing. First class service and the sights were fabulous. We saw the Black Forest in Germany with its many cuckoo clocks and lush forestry. We had to try the Black Forest cake. We toured castles along the Rhine and enjoyed a private tour to the top of Cologne’s cathedral-breathtaking! The cruise ended in Amsterdam where our group stayed an additional two nights for museums and sightseeing. John and I along with two friends braved the insane 10 story tall “swings”. Literally just a bucket with a bar that swung madly at the city skyline. We brought back Halloween candy for the boys, a bunny toy from Holland for Lily, and local favorites for the family-Pistachio Liquor and Cheese? Yum! To see the 400+ pics, click here.

We were SO fortunate to have Nana, Papa, and Susie watching the kiddos during the trip. From soccer games to school and lots of fun activities, the boys were well cared for. Including when Ethan fell sick with the stomach bug and Lily came down with hand, foot, and mouth disease! We learned of this news when we landed in Chicago and were so anxious to get back to the kiddos. There is no place like home!

Our annual Fall trip to Dewey Lake, Michigan had gorgeous weather! Thanks to Mary Beth, we enjoyed our first Fall boat ride around the lake. The trees were gorgeous. The kiddos had fun exploring the farms and picking out their pumpkins. Farmer Bill gave us our own hayride (no one else was there to join us!). Nana made some yummy apple nut bread and apple pies.

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Little Miss Lily is growing more each day, as is her vocabulary! She is my little helper when I work the greeter desk at the boys’ school for an hour in the morning, twice a month. She loves looking at the hallway artwork. Before we know it, she’ll be starting Kindergarten. I need a pause button!!!

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Halloween fell on a Monday so the boys had their class parties and school costume parade. Nana, Papa, and Susie of course came to watch them walk the front the school. At 4:30 trick-or-treating commenced with our Ninja, Iron Man, and Little Miss Riding Hood. This was Lily’s first time walking up to get candy-she enjoyed it! One house had a hilarious couple our front with huge Trump and Hillary face masks-Hillary was in hand cuffs, naturally. We went back to the house to hand out candy and enjoy a fire in the driveway-it was a gorgeous Fall Halloween night!

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October wrapped up with the end of Fall soccer season. The boys were great little athletes! We will hit the fields again in the Spring.

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