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  • Writer's pictureShannon


My phone died by nightfall at the park so this was taken on John’s phone. I just now uploaded it.

Makes me smile.


I really didn’t expect the trip to be as enjoyable as it was. I didn’t know who would be scared of what. Who would tire out sooner, etc. It’s a ton of walking.

But the boys-and we-did great! We didn’t bring or rent a stroller. We did carry Tyler quite a bit; lucky duck.There were more pros for us than cons-namely, getting to the rope at main street before the park officially opened and making our way ahead of all the strollers parked in a big crowd. I swear when that rope fell, everyone ran. John asked if we were going to get trampled because you could feel the tension building. Those of us who knew our plan sped like bullets to the Peter Pan ride. We waited maybe 15 minutes while the rest of the day the ride was about an hour long. No way! Not everyone plans a Disney itinerary and they have a great time. I was determined for us to see everything we could with the least amount of waiting. It paid off!!!!!! Not to mention, the age of technology allowed my phone to access an app that shows current wait times/closures/breakdowns as reported by fellow Disney guests. Amaze.

The video really captured a lot of the fun. So glad we documented it for the kids to look back on one day. Ethan was the PERFECT age. He really loved everything and took it all in. Tyler is still on the young side but enjoyed the train, parades, slow rides, and characters. There really is something for everyone. In two years both kids will be ripe for just about any ride they want to experience. Already excited for our next visit!!!

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