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  • Writer's pictureShannon

30 Weeks!

Baby Lily has been baking for 30 weeks. Bending over and picking up toys, doing laundry, etc. is getting trickier each day. She has apparently parked her little body right on top of my bladder and she is a busy, busy, busy baby. She moves around way more than I recall the boys ever doing. No doubt she’s getting ready for playtime with 2 big brothers.

Today our hospital registration was submitted to the same place we had Tyler. It was a really great experience delivering Tyler there 4 years ago so we feel pretty good about having Lily there as well. Next week I expect my doctor will schedule the repeat c-section date. Tomorrow I have an ultrasound appointment. Can’t wait to see Lily again!

So, nine or ten weeks left before Lily makes Baby #3!!!!!

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